Lotteries and Gaming Board Staff benefit from the Diplomatic Protocol, Business Etiquette, Grooming and Team Effectiveness mentoring.
The Institute had the pleasure of facilitating a 3-Day Capacity Building Workshop for the Lotteries and Gaming Board (LGB) Staff from 7-9 May 2024, at the LGB head-quarters, 44 Lawson Avenue, Milton Park, Harare.
The training focused on Diplomatic Protocol, Business Etiquette, Grooming and Team Effectiveness. Mr. V.A. Chikanda, a Diplomacy, Diplomatic Protocol and Professional Grooming Academic, facilitated the coaching. The Workshop served as a catalyst for growth, empowering the LGB staff to not only meet but exceed the standards of professionalism expected in today’s competitive landscape. The emphasis of the training was on refining existing practices and fostering a culture of excellence.
The Workshop covered a wide range of topics including but not limited to Business Etiquettes; Professionalism, Image and Self Projection and decorum; Professional Grooming, Professional Hygiene and Cleanliness; Deportment and Dressing; Effective Speaking and Presentation Skills; Dining like a Diplomat; Effective Leadership Skills; Effective Report Writing and Minute Taking Skills; Communicating in Teams and Mastering Listening, Nonverbal Communication and Etiquette Skills; Team Effectiveness; Personal Branding and Professional Branding. To mark the end of the workshop, participants were awarded certificates.